Thursday, October 2, 2008

On our way!

I'm sure many of you have heard by now, but for those of you who don't know, we got a house!! Not the one we posted about before. We are actually going to be renting a house from Jeremy Oaster and his wife Megs. It's a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 baths. 1600 sq ft. It's beautiful and they want us to make it our own, so they said any painting or decorations are fine! (which is good because they have two girls, so their room are princess rooms, not good for Nathan, but we'll make it good for him!) All the bedrooms are upstairs and there is an office as well.
We have also decided that Eric and my dad will drive the moving truck there, towing our car, and my mom and I will fly with the kids. A two hour flight is much easier than a 20 hour drive (and a heck of a lot cheaper) God has provided for us in so many ways already and it just keeps coming. I went to check my email right before writing this and I have a confirmation number for a flight for us to Colorado. My grandma paid for me and Nathan to fly there!!! I didn't even know she knew we were flying. My mom must have called her right after I talked to her about flying. I just KNOW this is where are supposed to be. We have already been blessed by this decision and I know it is only going to get better! I am just so excited to see what God has in store for us. Thank you all for your prayers and support as we are going through this huge change.
And on the day we were returning the car we've been borrowing for a month, my brother called and wanted to trade his car for the Jeep! Now we have a car that fits all of us and my brother has a fun off road vehicle. It was hard for Eric, and for me as well (which I wasn't expecting) but we WILL get another one further on down the road. (we will honey, I PROMISE!)


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful house Shannon! God is so good to provide in so many ways. Good luck to you guys.

Stephanie said...

God is good, and so is Grandma, and so are parents...and friends...and friends' parents...God is sending you many helpers. I'm glad He opened so many doors for you'll be missed.